Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Inspiration: Hiding in the Sunshine

Today it's a bit dreary and gray here in San Francisco. I was craving a little bit more sunshine but I have to confess I'm in a rather introspective mood and not feeling overly bright or bold. These photos are all so dreamy and capture my mood perfectly. I love the idea of disappearing into the sun....it's like everyone in these images was made out of light and might vanish at any moment. Pretty...

IMAGES: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,7, 8, 9, 10


  1. Hi Alexandra,
    I am from BYW friend :) Lovely blog and I love the photos!! Always wondering how I can take pictures like that.

  2. gorgeous pics, makes me long for summer...it is grey and rainy here in the UK as usual!

  3. Here's a little something you may love my dear...


  4. Oh and silly me, I didn't tell you who produced that gorgeous shot.

    Her: http://www.jacquelineveissid.com/

  5. amazing collection of images!!

  6. Hi Marianna! Nice to see you over here!

    SmashingBird....argh i know! Isn't it supposed to be summer?? We're very grey too. Boooo!

    Holly: OOoh so pretty!!! All her photos are amazing! i loooove them.

    Rachel: Thanks my dear. Now if only i had taken the photos myself. *sigh*

  7. I love all these, specially the third one. Beautiful!

  8. Oh, toooo lovely! They really do lift your spirits don't they?

  9. i love this post :) i stumbled upon your blog in sfgirlbybay. we had a photo shoot last month, inspired by dreamy images as well :) drop by our site if you will.

    sun & smiles.
