Monday, June 8, 2009

paper cut.

Over the past year or so, Helen Musselwhite’s work has been quietly making the rounds on ye old interwebs—and with good reason. Bold colors, strong graphic lines, yet produced with the most delicate of mediums: paper. Honestly anyone who works with paper gets big ups in my book. (Yes, I have a book where I keep track of all the “ups” I’m handing out…) She folds, scores, and hand cuts all this stuff herself, then builds these amazing little shadow boxes that are straight out of a fairytale. I just love 'em. I mean I don't know about you, but I can barely cut a snowflake or paper chain of little people, much less an entire forest.

All of Helen’s work is handmade in her studio in the U.K. See more of her awesome stuff here.


  1. Oh My Lord!! Those are amazing!! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I like the deer, but birds scare me for some reason...and you are not alone - snowflakes are the best I can cut too! A straight line? Not gonna happen!

  3. these are increds

  4. i have one or two sellers bookmarked on etsy who do similar things and i keep telling myself i'm going to give it a try myself. after i finish trying 100 other projects i will never get to.
