Tuesday, July 28, 2009

It's late and I'm tired.

OK. I have to warn you. Tomorrow may be a day of very lite posting. Why, you may ask? Because it's 11:45pm and I'm still at work. Ugh. I'm tired. So very tired. So to take my mind off the fact that it's pitch black outside and there is a police siren wailing in the distance....let's pretend we're back on the lake in Michigan!

Ahh, there. Much better.

Out of the blue Wolfie said to me, "Mama! Let's make moustaches!" And then this happened:

He's never done that before...I was dying. Wolfie is truly the sweetest, silliest little boy around.

OK, enough boat action. Time for silly photos by the barn.

Now if only I could hop on this sweet bike and ride all the way home...


  1. OH no. You poor thing. I'm wishing you ALL THE WAY BACK TO THE LAKE. I think I'll join you soon. I need a little bliss! I hope you get to go home soon and don't have to come into work tomorrow.

  2. Oh that sucks! I hope you're home now. Its end of work-day (5.30pm) here in Melbourne, so if you're still at work, use THAT as a reason to go home!!

  3. Pontoon boats and foam noodles, looks like a real vacation. I miss my grandparent's boat, named the Irish Express with green and white canvas sides and canopy. That was a classy ride on Loon Lake. BTW, you take great photos - every time! Hope work gets shorter.

  4. aww lady, those are some late night hours! hope you get to sleep in, at least.

    i saw some of these pics on your flickr and commented already but really, how can i resist how adorable you and your family are! the moustache story is too cute! so is the picture.

    i love your dresses, the yellow outfit is fantastic! where is that dress from? and please don't say target because i did not see it there.

  5. Great photos - Wolfie is such a cutie - looks like you guys have so much fun together!

  6. oh, beautiful! i would like to be there. i feel like i still haven't had any summer this year and here it's almost august already.

  7. Take it easy, take a break. We'll still be here when you come back!

    Your photos are gorgeous, as is your little family! Wolfie has the most amazing coloured eyes. Sooo sweet.

  8. Oh man, I was there for an extra hour. Yucko!

    But all these nice messages made me smile.
