Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Strawberry Lemonade Vintage.

I've been collecting vintage clothing forever. We're talking 15 years (probably longer). The bulk of my collection comes from thrift stores with a handful of nicer gems scored on eBay or at vintage clothing shops.

While I have worn 75% of the items in "the vaults" (as I like to call them) many are not my size. Some are way too big and loads are waaay too small. The problem is, if I see an amazing vintage item I simply CAN'T pass it up. The colors, the cuts, the fabric. I am beyond smitten with vintage. I really feel like they are little pieces of art. When I see something amazing, I have to take it home where I know it will be loved.

This past weekend I was downstairs and realized that my collection is kind of insane. In my defense, I used to be a major vintage seller on eBay...and I simply haven't had the time to photograph and sell like I used to. (My friend Kristin of Hiss & Hearse is an AMAZING photographer and she and I have been plotting a big photo shoot for ages....we have to make it happen!) I have two racks of "the good stuff," vintage designer and favorites I simply can't bear to part with. And then another two full racks of items that are equally adorable but ready to sell. If you're a local girlie let me know and I'll put you on my mailing list because I am plotting a Vintage Frock Fest sometime in the near future! (This will be an invitation only boutique sale of some of my most fabulous vintage goodies. Fair prices, but to be clear this ain't no garage sale. These are mah babies!! I also have a zillion vintage purses, coats, hats and shoes....)

I'll be photographing the items that will be up for sale but first I wanted to share with you guys some of my favorite fabrics. Alas, many of these are stickin' with me, but I promise the rest is just as good!

I love the fabric on this Paganne dress. It's so insanely groovy!

Paganne meets Pucci.
The Pucci on the right was an eBay score. There are some teensy pin prick stains, but its a beauteous silk dress and I just lerrve it. I've managed to score lots of Pucci at thrift stores, but they are always from his FormFit Rogers lingerie line. The fabric is always that flmisy nylon but it's still fun as ever (and yes, I've been known to rock the nightie-as-dress look!).

Greg found this amazing cotton Pucci shift at a thrift store for $5. He's got a great eye, the hubs. I think the pattern is so dainty and sweet. I love Pucci but I have to admit sometimes the patterns are just TOO over the top (I know, I know, sacrilege to say such a thing about Emilio!), but it's the truth, Ruth!

The dress on the left is the best fabric. It's a boxy shapeless housedress but I've had it for nearly 20 years and just love it. The sweater on the right is INSANE. Big bell pom pom sleeves from the early 50s. Looks delightful with slim pants (but I could never wear a coat when I busted this baby out...the sleeves never fit!!). I love the idea of some crazy 50s gal flitting about in this kookoo sweater!

Just some pretty fabrics. Actually most of these will be part of the Boutique Blow Out sale! The top two images are shirts and tunics. The bottom two are maxi's, which is very in...but they would also look darling lopped off at the knee.

This Juliet dress is simply gorgeous...sheer sleeves and the beading is to die for. It would make a lovely formal gown for a black tie event, plus the color is so unique!

Sometimes the tags are even better than the garment. This little pink cutie is adorable, but how awesome is the tag?? The Young Sophisticates. That can be our all- girl band, ok?

I've barely scratched the surface dolls, there is so much more. I hope you enjoyed this little peek into my crazy world of vintage luv!! I'll be documenting more in the weeks to come. Just leave me a little comment if you wanna see more!

alix the obsessed


  1. i want to see more. i want to see MORE! it's feverishly exciting and i am wishing i was even in the same country let alone local to you. MORE!

  2. hot damn woman. you put my collections to shame! i am a so cal girl but will drive up to sf for your sale!! holy. moly.

    ps* that trechikoff is one of my absolute favorites! i was thrilled when i found my own at a local thrift a few years ago.

  3. ms nath, aw I wished you lived closer too!

    rebbecca my love, i'll be sure to tell you the fun would it be if you could road trip up here???

    Oh and yes, the Tretchikoff was a thrifty score too! We had one already but it wasn't in the groovy frame that this one was. (we sold the other one) YAY for the Blue Lady!


  4. ooh do post more pics! wish i was in the US, i'd be round like a shot!

  5. hey, alex! this is kelly's friend amanda! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know when you're going to have your sale. i'd love to come.

    also, i've been doing lots of pinup-y type modeling lately, and would find it great fun to come play dress-up for you if you need an extra lady on whom to display your wares.

  6. I am the same, that's why I had to start an online shop myself. You have some AMAZING things in there, can't wait for a chance to get at them! :)

  7. excuse me while i re-attach my eyeballs and wipe all this drool off my keyboard...

    what an amazing collection!!

  8. Diggin' the dresses, you put mine to shame! Mine look like Idaho spuds compared to yours! Enjoyed the peek at your lovelies. Yes, more more more!!!!
    ; )

  9. Awesome! If you're looking to sell anything lovely and not-polyester, that has a 40 inch bust, let me know :)

  10. I would love to the Frock Fest! (Though I need more vintage like a hole in the head...) I can FINALLY meet you, though I have a feeling you might have come into my old shop Stop the Clock? Anyway, these are FABULOUS, and I spy a Mondrian! More, more! Yay!!! xoxo

  11. What fabulous fabrics and patterns. I'm loving it all, even the room. Seeing the comment from willagurl makes me think you should do a fashion show before the sale and then have the sale. Make it a real fun event. Of course, videotape the fashion show and post on your blog so those of us too far to drive can live vicariously through those lucky gals (and gents?) who will be there.

  12. Look at all that vintage goodness!Drool...

  13. Works great! Listening in my office right now. Come on down!

  14. what I would do to spend a day in "the vaults". what an awesome collection, how fun!

  15. Let me know if I can come over for a personal shopping day! I will pay real prices - I swear! I need some new dresses so bad - none of my stuff fits me anymore! Miss you! XO

  16. put me on the list! put me on the list! my eyeballs are falling out of my head, this stuff is so good!!!

  17. Wow with a capital W,

    I just lurve your vintage collection! You've inspired me to photograph my vintage bag collection! My fave is the yellow and black sailor 60's dress!!

    Emma x
    Two Little Birds
