Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Linky Dinks.

HAPPPPPPY TUESDAY. Why do three day weekends always seem to fly by? I had big plans to get caught up on posting but the weather was so glorious here in California I couldn't possibly stay inside. I promise I'm back on the horse again and ready to gallop into the week!

Let's kick things off with a look to last week. Here are some things that caught my eye:

The lovely Danielle over at Dress, Design, Décor posted this adorable Louis Vuitton elephant on sarafi. I mean, honestly. Makes you want to go on a glammy safari RIGHT NOW.

These retro vacation “head in the picture” crack me up. You can tell they’re cracking up too.

Only Alix, The Cherry Blossom Girl, could make Las Vegas look so lovely.

Amazing collection of the world’s quirkiest buildings! (thanks dad!)

I love this “fashion inspiration” post of cool looks from gala darling.

Don’t you dare leave me, darlings….but here are some amazing style blogs as compiled by Signature9.

The adorable Draw Pilgrim gives us a fun peek into the history of false eyelashes.

And finally…I’ve tweeted about this several weeks ago, but I’m still loving @shitmydadsays. Hilarious. And he doesn’t post every 10 seconds (hello Sarah Morrison!).


  1. Oh my GOD! That shitmydadsays is the funniest twitter I've ever read.

    The one about the dog pooping in the yard had me and Eric laughing to the point of dropping the baby!

    And darn it if that Pilgrim doesn't post the best stuff! She's going somewhere, that Aussie!

  2. aww thanks for the link shout out! (and thanks leslie for the nice words!) i'm feeling the lurve an sending it right back!

    @shitmydadsays always makes me LOL too.

  3. Aw thanks for the link love! I so want to feed a baby elephant in Louis Vuitton! lol.
