Friday, December 4, 2009

I got no strings to hold me down.

I was cleaning up the other day and found this vintage French magazine from 1967 in a pile of stuff. That's how it is over at the ol' lemonade stand. It may often look like a thrift store exploded over here, but I guarantee you will always find something fun and interesting to look at!! OK, back to this amazingly cute magazine, that I can't read a word of. Loads of amazing stuff, but this one is my favorite by far. How cute are these models?? I love the dresses and mod flats. It has me wanting to paint on rosey cheeks do a little marionette photo shoot!


  1. What a totally unique photo shoot of those models!
    So 60's!
    I know you adored finding that magazine.
    Oh I love old magazine!

  2. That's such a beautiful photo shoot.

    And Alex...

    Your blog is STUNNING! I wish I had more time to hang around here and go through the archives. I am putting it on my to do list.

    Just beautiful. So pleasing to the eye. xx

  3. Hi Alex!
    You are so sweet to take the time to clue me in on Dooce! What an interesting and intriquing story!
    Wow! Fired for her BLOG! Funny in some respects! I know she DID have some stories to let fly then!
    I'll have to pop over there sometime when I have an hour or so...Ha!...and check out her writing! I know she must have something WOW going on to have this many readers!
    Good for her!
    Yes...The Pioneer Woman...have popped over to her blog a time or two and was quite simply amazed! I bet her cookbook is just fabulous!
    Blogging certainly does open up a whole world of ideas and realtionships...I actually created my blog for friends and family back Alabama...and now I am chatting with gals from England (oh I do love England!) and charming, unique lovelies like yourself!
    I am so delighted to have discovered you...looking forward to following your blog!
    I am honored to have had you visit mine!
    Thanks for the sweet comments!
    And again...thanks for letting me in on some of the blog world scoop!
    Oh...and by the get the CUTEST NAME FOR A BLOG AWARD from ME!

  4. Thank you so much...Chantelle, that is the best compliment ever!

    And Teresa I'm so glad you like the name!! Thank you!
    It's a silly play on "When Life Hands You Lemons", because I try to be positive in my everyday life (doesn't ALWAYS work, haha). The one downside with the blog name is that if anyone tries to search for it, they get recipes for strawberry lemonade first!! haha (i guess that's not such a bad thing though, eh?)


  5. OK, I can't believe I'm admitting that I know this, but didn't they rip off this idea on America's Next Top Model?

  6. Cute! I love the yellow dress...

  7. gaaah *drool* paging fawn gehweiler. i think she'd love this!

  8. Those are precious photos! Love 'em, especially the little white dress!
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Charmed giveaway!

  9. The blue one is getting ripped off in my next lot of prints Im afraid*L*

  10. I love these! I want that gold dress! :)

  11. Ha I love these shots. Great fun! What ever happened to innocence??
