Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fresh Picked VIntage: Enamel Flower Pins from the 60s

OOooh lalala we love vintage jewelry! And a super favorite of mine are vintage enamel pins, from the 60s. Colorful, bold, girlie but graphic. I think they're such an adorable way to spruce up an outfit.

How gorgeous is that bouquet?? I love them on cardigans, dresses, headbands and totebags! And of course cuffs. One word of caution. If you are a mama, the pins with separate petals can get a little pokey when you go in for a cuddle (or so Wolfie tells me. "OW! Mama. Your flower poked me!").

To score some enamel brooches of yer very own, check out thrift stores, antique shops eBay and Etsy. Also, my friend Jenny over at Frecklewonder has some GREAT pins coming up in her shop on August 1. Take a peek here!


  1. I love the floral pins too! You know, I can't help it, I have to buy every one of 'em up when I'm thrifting! x

  2. get outta here! i have a scheduled post on this very topic *runs to unschedule for now*

    lady, you have excellent taste. the cuff brooch is inspired! (and i have that orla bag in pink/red)

  3. those are some amazing flower pins.

    i love the idea of the tray of them as a wall hanging. i need to look and see if i have enough of a collection to do something like that.

  4. I know they're so bright an colorful!

    pilgrim you should still do your post, my little cyber twin!

  5. oh heck, now i'm full of regret! and i haven't even kissed my brooches goodbye yet!!!!!!!

    ok, but seriously. am i really going to put them all in the shop on sunday?


    *le sigh*

    thanks for spreading the good word, sweet alex.

  6. oh my goodness i love these brooches.

    did you take these photos? they are stunning.

    you have a a new follower.


  7. I love vintage enamel pins! What a gorgeous rainbow collection~
    Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
    Christmas in July giveaway

  8. I LOVE these pins! the first one I ever got was from my 9th grade English teacher -- she used to wear it and I loved it and called it the psychedelic sea urchin. Well, I loved it (and her!) so much that she gave it to me when I graduated, and I still have it!

    And I love what you've done with the bulletin board and pins!


  9. amazing collection of enamel pins you have posted hear. i love them too!

  10. Ooh...They're so incredibly beautiful. Every time that I see these pins, I pledge to own tons but still, I only own one. A pink and white daisy. :)

  11. okay, seriously? when can we go shopping together? because you just have MAD STYLE and i just know we'd have so much fun together. i need to come home to san francisco. soon! i also have that orla bag in pink/red. i'm a HUGE orla fan!

  12. i'm so glad i stumbled in to your home here! love love love your style.
    see you soon...

  13. Beautiful post! LOVE all these bold pins-wow!

  14. I love me some enamel flowers and thought that I had a respectable collection...but this? Puts me to shame. COVET.

  15. can not wait to put my new pin on my jeans! what a great idea!!!
