Monday, August 9, 2010

Strawberry Lemonade Vintage Shop: Open For Bidness!

Ooooooh weeeee. I have been saying for over a YEAR now that I was going to have a big ol' vintage sale. Well guess what? IT HAPPENED. I held a little Pop Up Vintage Boutique in muh housie and we had a blast! Here is a little sneak peek of what went down:


  1. oh drats! i wish i coulda gone! there's a b&w stripey dress up there that should belong to me...sigh!! GO YOU though! So happy you did it! YAY you!

  2. Okay Sweet Girl!
    WHY didn't you let me know!
    I would have FLOWN in for this ACTION!
    I know it was a total BLAST!
    ANd utter HEAVEN for vintage LOVERS like me!!!
    I can ONLY imagine what YOU had on during the sale!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Following YOUr cute self on TWITTER now!!!!

  3. Oh what great photos! I wish I could have stopped by. I need me a fun vintage frock & some happy jewelry. Any plans on an online shop in the future? :)

  4. Hey guys! Yep....I'm going to try and get an online shop up and runnin'.....just need to sort it all out! You'll be the first to know if/when it happens!

  5. Umm..yeah, like where was the notice? Would have been a FANTASTIC excuse for a trip up north!! Come on!!

  6. LOL aww Shari would you have come up?? Awesome! Well it was a one-day notice spontaneous thing. Im' going to do one in the fall for winter coats and holiday party dresses! I'll be sure to let you know!!

  7. Oh wow! I wonder if it would be a good enough excuse to visit from across the pond? Looks fabulous!

  8. the roadrunner purse. THE ROADRUNNER PURSE!!!!!!!
    and all the other amazing stuff. dying. i am dying!

    i know it was a great sale for you, i am happy to have had a wee part in the gentle nudge to make it happen :)

    and now. i'm wondering what's left on those other *4* racks.


  9. Those handbags look gorgeous! It seems like you had tons of fun!

  10. Lovely photos. xxx

  11. looks like a fun time!!! wish i could have joined you!

  12. jealous!! i wanna come! hope it was a blast :]

  13. Oh man, why do I not live over there?! So much goodness!

  14. BTW - you know have me OBSESSED with Enid Collins bags! I'm bidding on like 4 of them right now!!
