One more day to Halloween folks. OK, I know I'm kind of on "personal photo overload" here lately, and I promise to get back to our regularly schedule programming next week, but I had to share these with you. It's kind of a funny story. So you guys know how much I love to dress up—and yet my sweet boy Wolfie has never liked it. Which pains me greatly. I had visions of making him superhero capes...astronaut outfits...cool pirate get ups. The works! Nope. My lil stubborn charmer wasn't havin' it. And Halloween was no better! It all began when he was two. I got him this super cute cowboy outfit...it came with wee chaps, a cowboy shirt and a cute little vest. The thing is, Wolfie liked his jackets/hoodies always zipped up. And a vest? Well it's like a perpetually "open" jacket. He didn't like this ONE BIT. Oh the dramatics!

He threw himself on the ground like a cartoon character, sobbing. Greg and I looked at each other half laughing half shaking our heads....like "Really? All this over a VEST?" Thankfully Wolfie has a pretty sweet little disposition and gets over things quickly. Once the offending vest was removed, he was all sunshine again.

The next year I had a great plan. Greg and I would go as Mr. & Mrs. Frankensteins—and Wolfie would be the Crazy Mad Scientist. Genius, right? I can make his hair all crazy, and he could wear the wee little lab coat I found him....buttoned up! Greg looked great.

I left Wolfie help me with my eye make up so he wouldn't be scared of my wig. Needless to say, this was a huge success.

But when it came time for his own costume, well...once again, you can see how Wolfie felt about all this:

I explained to him that Halloween was all about dressing up, and really he could be anything he wanted to. After some thought he declared. "I want to be a pumpkin." "Um.....a pumpkin?" "Yes. Pumpkin." "Wolfie you know a pumpkin is kind of round, and poofy right? Are you sure you want to be a pumpkin?" "Yes, I want a pumpkin." OK. So I have to admit that I was totally terrible and thought to myself "A PUMPKIN???? Oh c'mon!" But a pumpkin it was. I searched high and low for a non-poofy pumpkin and finally found one. I came home triumphant. YES! Wolfie will be so excited! Except......

Oy! I finally calmed him down and negotiated a bribe. "If you wear the costume, you can have some chips." (he's a salty boy, not a big fan of sweets....). With a sigh, he was resigned to his fate:

The final verdict: "I'll wear it. But I won't like it."

By the next day (which was actually Halloween) he had a change of heart and happily wore Ze Pumpkin. Hallelujah!

Oh my silly little Wolfie. I'm happy to report last year was amazingly struggle free! His friend Emmy got him into Pokemon and decided he wanted to be Pikachu. Not only did he wear the outfit, he wore the kooky hat dealie too! Whooo hoo! We even got Greg dressed up as Ash (Pikachu's "boy").